Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Colour of Laundry

Bought a pack of clothes pegs my first month in Japan from the trusty Hyaku Yen (¥100) store. Of course, the pack was worth much more than the 100 yen I paid for it...

Colorful Laundry

It has been fine well today. It is just the wash weather. Since it is the colorful pinch, the arrival at the bottom, trousers, a shirt, socks, etc. can be dried a lot. My strong ally. Wash becomes still much more pleasant.

:) I should have let you guess what the pack contained.

Also, was met with some colorful laundry myself last weekend when I washed my new pair of reddish Thai pants. All my socks and another pair of pants came out...PINK. not just pink but PINK pink. As a rule I spend my life avoiding that colour as much as possible. But when I saw my laundry...I laughed. For days.

Have a colorful weekend...I am officially on holiday (again) till May 6th!!

Next week is 'Golden Week' in Japan where a bunch of national holidays are stacked into one week...and my university further adjusted the academic calender to forgo today's national holiday and give us an extended Golden Week.

So I stocked up on my reading material, my viewing material and of course the lecturers stocked up the assignments...Golden Week, here I come!!!!

1 comment:

Wilson said...

When i saw "Golden" and Japan, I couldn't help but think golden showers =_=